Yellow Amber Lamp

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Yellow Amber Lamp
Motto: No bees were harmed during the production
Release date: December 17th, 2010
Rare Values
Category: Classical Rares
Value: Habbox Rare Values

The Yellow Amber Lamp is one of many Classical Rares and was formerly in the Super Rares category. However, due to the release of it in the UK Hotel's Catalogue, the value dropped and the Super Rare classification was dropped. It is one of only three Amber Lamps on the hotel; the others include the Royal Egyptian Lamp and Red Amber Lamp. It was also the last of the Amber Lamps to be released (in terms of global releases) and was the only Amber Lamp given out as a reward on Habbo USA as opposed to being sold in the catalogue - the same applies to

The Yellow Amber lamp is currently the most expensive Amber Lamp and its motto is "No bees were harmed during the production."


The Yellow Amber Lamp was spotted on 10 hotels in total, but only released on 9. Here is a complete list of releases:


  • On January 22nd 2005, the Yellow Amber Lamp was released along with a number of other super rares, normal rares and seasonals in a catalogue page called Palsternakka for around five minutes.