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Motto: Write that bestseller
Release date: 2004-06 (Habbo.co.uk)
Rare Values
Category: Classical Rares
Value: Habbox Rare Values

The Typewriter is an example of a Classical Rare and also a rare that has never been sold in the catalogue on any hotel. It was first sighted in Wenders' Newsbox and then later awarded to users on older hotels such as Habbo.co.uk who had managed to get their article published in the Habbo newsletter/"newsie".

Before the Habbo Merge the value of the item stood at around the 400-500 Credits mark. It also used to be a popular item in Casinos, prior to the Habbo.com (International) Gambling Ban.


Here is a complete list of Typewriter releases, however, the dates are unknown:


  • On January 22nd 2005, the Typewriter was released along with a number of other super rares, normal rares and seasonals in a catalogue page called Palsternakka for around five minutes.